Phoenix Central School District

Phoenix Central School District & ProfileUnity
Education institution chooses ProfileUnity and FlexApp to enable smooth transition to thin client devices.
Selection Criteria
ProfileUnity was the only full-featured user environment management with application layering.
Operational Efficiency
IT staff time on desktop support has been cut in half and FlexApp reduced number of master images to manage.
Administrative Improvement
Admins can ensure user profiles are managed correctly and user-authored data backed up consistently. Admins also had control over user-installed apps with FlexApp.
Granular GPO
Administrators could apply granular group policy to ensure lockdown of access from the desktops.
Proactive Optimization
IT staff can be proactive and work on building solutions instead of fixing problems. ProfileUnity an essential part of the district’s ecosystem.
ProfileUnity is infinitely configurable. It is not a product that gives you only one way of doing things.
Ted Love , Director of Technology for Phoenix Central School District
Improve DEX Efficiency
Liquidware solutions are proven to boost efficiencies and cost savings for enterprise Digital Employee Experience (DEX) environments.
Validation Rate
Nearly 80% of customers chose Liquidware solutions over competitors because of unique features and cross-platform compatibility.
Improved Performance
91% of customers report noticeable OPEX savings by reducing complexity, increasing visibility and automating manual tasks.
Support Satisfaction
91% of customers report noticeable OPEX savings by reducing complexity, increasing visibility and automating manual tasks.